
GPS phone locator

More than 50 million users, translated into 47 different languages. It is of Moovit identity card, the app cross-platform smartphone (IOs and Android, but also exists in the web version) developed to help users make the journey on the local public transport services. A successful idea was born in 2012 in Israel, now transformed into the most downloaded app in the world for this purpose. Just to situate it: Moovit is currently available in more than 1,200 cities around the world, distributed in over 70 countries. Andorra and Buenos Aires in Argentina in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, passing by Perugia in Italy and Klaipeda in Lithuania, just to give an example. And in Italy we are already present all the regional capitals.

If it is true, as pointed out Yovav Meydad, vice president of production marketing Moovit, that "the development team working at such a rate that we can add to the network a new city every six hours," the "app-Bible" of public transport for commuters around the world it is in fact also a very useful tool for those who the world turns it, changing every day cities. Why, for example, landed at the airport of Barajas Moovit just confirm to the town; then there is no need to be Madrid's doc to find out the service offered by convoys of Cercanias to reach the Atocha station: thinks Moovit indicating time and the convoy to be taken. In some cities, the app even allows you to buy your ticket directly online for the medium that you will use.

Hidden behind the friendly Moovit screen that shines from your smartphone asking "where you want to go" there is first of all the high technology. So as to cross in a matter of milliseconds the phone gps data (to know where the user is located), the location of the required destination maps (the reference is usually Google maps), the layout of the existing transport lines and database of transit times to the nearest bus stop, as well as the database of average travel times so you can offer the user several options for the same journey. In many cities, in addition, specific agreements with local transport operators allow you to Moovit to "read" from the GPS position of each vehicle, as well as communicate to the user as well the predicted time of waiting for public transport.
phone number tracker

There are not only computer behind Moovit. A winner of its developers is in fact also to have focused on creating a large group of "community editor", local ambassadors of the app that contribute with their own directions and corrections to make each day more adherent to the "realities on the ground" the information provided. Recently, for example, in Italy it started the initiative "photographing your stop" that invites users to take a picture of the stop of public transport and to send it to Moovit. In the future who knows little about the city, or just the neighborhood, by selecting the stop you can see the photos, as well as orientate you.

The "human factor" is also essential to deal with critical situations for software as a sudden change of the lines drawn. "I can not forget the case of the Rio Olympics - recalls with pride own Meydad - the new lines for the Games have been defined within a week of the opening ceremony. Despite the short notice, those who are entrusted with Moovit - Official app of the Olympiad - is never left on foot. " Human factor that should also be read in terms of customer focus. Because the latest version of Moovit, 5.1, has changed radically graphics and interface not on a whim, but later just to user requests that required a more localized service and user-friendly.
The return to the past is a trend that regularly manifests itself in different fields, from art to fashion, and, surprisingly and in an almost contradictory, even in technology. The last striking example is that of the return of the famous Nokia, whose market entry, both in the nineties is now, attracts the attention and curiosity of the public. When it was launched for the first time on the market, the mobile phone represented a real innovation: handle and lightweight, had a sleek design, with its drop keys and its harmonious lines, guaranteeing excellent reception and boasted a legendary resistance shock, in addition to energy autonomy of entire weeks.

NOKIA 3310. Thanks to this jewel of technology of the Finnish company, founded in 1865 on the banks of the river Nokianvirta (from which the company takes its name) and originally a producer of cellulose, electrical cables, chemicals and tires, He ruled the phone market for several years. Its crisis began in 2007, when the US Apple launched the iPhone, thus starting the era of smartphones. In 2011, Nokia sold the field "devices and services" to Microsoft and launched the first smartphone in the series, but since then the Finnish company experienced a slow decline that relegated in the shadow of new technology giants. Today the Finnish company HMD Global, which develops mobile devices with the Nokia brand, aims to revitalize the image of a company that has marked an era and raises the historian Nokia 3310, he appeared for the first time in 2000. The differences with the original they are minimal (larger screen and color), while there is a gulf between this phone and modern smartphones we're used to, starting with the low power connection to the Internet (so goodbye to Whatsapp and Facebook).

"ANTIDOTE TO SMARTPHONE." It is a curious choice of marketing that leaves many doubts. From popular icon, the mobile phone becomes a niche product for people who want to show a contraction. According to US magazine Atlantic, this strategy is an original response to a saturated market and a society accustomed to using mobile phones more like small laptops to surf the Internet and chat, rather than to make calls. Now we use smartphones almost identical for aesthetics and functions, but lost sight of the original purpose of the device, with the result that "nothing has become less sexy and less useful than a smartphone."

The revolution started by Apple was thus transformed in conformity and banality and now, writes the Atlantic, offers a new twist. Nokia may have missed the right time to enter, taking advantage of the rising hostility from society to technology: the old cell would represent "an antidote to smartphones," that is the new workhorse against modern obsession with hyperconnectivity, thus starting "a new era of mobile technology."

NO INNOVATION. The progressive transformation of the cell is also evidenced by various names in English that they have taken over the years: they were called "cell phone" to emphasize the gap between the various communication nodes ( "cells"), common in North America; in Europe, where the distances are shorter and smaller nations, it was placed at the center versatility and mobility options, for this cell was the "mobile"; the modern "smartphone" instead literally means a "smart phone", then highlighting the enormous potential of these systems. Now the Nokia challenge is not to create an innovative device, as was that of the twenty-first century, but to change the relationship between the user and the physical medium.

EFFECT NOSTALGIA. The strategy of Nokia would be two strengths: the attractive appearance of its handsets, allowing you to avoid embarrassment in public to an antiquated object and the resulting fall-back to Android, and the feeling of nostalgia-lever. The Atlantic suggests other useful cell phone uses Nokia for those who want the most advanced technology: use it as a second phone in an emergency, for example if we are using the smartphone as a GPS or camera, you download (it is already common possession more of a mobile phone); place it in the kitchen or in the living room and use it instead of the landline phone (which is gradually disappearing in homes, mainly because of high bills); give it to their children still too young, in order to watch, feeling sure you can contact them at a distance. The low cost of a Nokia should enticed customers, considering in particular the proven physical resistance of the device and comparing it with the specific much more expensive smartphones, designed to withstand high altitudes, water and bulk climatic.


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